Scorpio man in love: 5 ways to tell he's secretly in love

Scorpio men are notoriously hard to read when it comes to their feelings, especially in romantic relationships.


Scorpio man in love: 5 ways to tell he's secretly in love

Scorpio men are notoriously hard to read when it comes to their feelings, especially in romantic relationships. Not only are they private about what they're thinking and feeling at any given time, but they don't often show emotion even when they're deeply in love with someone. So how can you tell if your Scorpio man is secretly in love with you? 

There are several telltale signs that could help you make your way through the mystery of your Scorpio man's heart and figure out whether he's really head over heels for you or simply interested in exploring a hot and heavy romance with no strings attached.

He shows you his sensual side

If your Scorpio guy is always calm and collected, it can be hard to tell when he’s truly passionate about something. But pay attention—he’ll show you a passionate side of him that you didn’t know existed. Be aware though, that if his secret passion is hurting you, then it may not be worth your time.

He becomes your devoted and protective knight in shining armor.

Your Scorpio man will do everything he can to make you happy. He wants you to be content, and worries endlessly if something is bothering you or making you sad. If your happiness means a lot to him, but there are things that are bothering him, don’t be surprised if those things become secondary concerns. If it bothers him that much, it becomes less important than how you feel. After all, life isn’t worth living if there’s no one special for us.

Does He Take Your Hand When You Walk Together?

Scorpio men are possessive and proud. So when you’re walking with him, don’t be surprised if he grabs your hand and takes control of it from time to time—this is because he enjoys controlling every aspect of his life, and likes to feel like everything is under his command. That said, try not to get offended if a Scorpio gentleman holds your hand too tight at times; chances are good that he just has no idea how tight he’s actually holding it.

He acts possessive

A Scorpio man who is falling in love with you will act possessive, almost territorial. The closer you get to him, and especially if you get into a relationship with him, he will likely become even more possessive. He’ll want you all for himself and won’t be happy when other people flirt with or hit on you.

Can You Count The Times That He Has Texted Or Called?

If you’re giving your Scorpio male attention then there is a chance that he has a thing for you. Look at how often he contacts you, see if it’s more than usual, and also pay attention to what time of day they do happen. If they are sending you texts or calling when your phone should be off (it’s late at night) then there may be something going on behind closed doors. 

Does He Want To See You Every Day?

Scorpio men are fiercely independent, so you might not be able to get away with seeing him every day. However, if he starts mentioning plans for tomorrow or suggests meeting up during off-hours, then it’s clear that there is something else going on here. He wants to see you as much as possible without getting caught. The next time you hang out, just casually ask him if anything is wrong and watch his reaction closely.

He’s a brooder, so give him time to process his feelings.

One of Scorpio’s biggest strengths is their incredible sense of loyalty, but his strength can also be a major weakness. Scorpios tend to brood on things, so don’t panic if your guy seems quiet for a few days—he might just be thinking about how much he loves you. Allow him time to process his feelings before pestering him with questions.

He shows his vulnerability around you.

One of a Scorpio man’s worst fears is that his vulnerabilities will be exploited by those around him. He might hide his true self at work or school, but with you, he lets it all hang out—and reveals his deepest and darkest secrets without even asking if you care. But it’s not so much because he trusts you; no one else gets close enough for him to feel comfortable opening up.

He trusts you enough to open up.

Scorpio men can be hard to crack but they’re also known for their loyalty. If your Scorpio guy trusts you enough to open up about his past, it’s a good sign that you’re in his heart and mind. But it doesn’t always mean that he’s ready for romance—you may have just gained access to his inner circle of friends. The key here is to give him time.

He gives you more than just surface-level compliments.

Men who are deeply, hopelessly in love may be tongue-tied and awkward with their compliments at first. Be patient. If you’re lucky enough to find yourself on his radar, then you can expect deeper, richer compliments over time. As he falls deeper for you, his flattery will become more honest and heartfelt. He might even say things about how much your two hearts beat as one or some other cliché romantic nonsense—but don’t hold that against him.

He asks deep, probing questions about your life.

Because Scorpios are curious by nature, they’re always trying to learn more about what makes you tick. If your guy is asking you lots of questions, it might be because he wants you to think of him as a good friend—or because he likes you very much. Whatever it means, pay attention and see where things go from there. He’s interested in who you are as a person and isn’t afraid to show it.

He will observe your every move

Scorpios are known for being incredibly observant, so it’s unlikely you’ll slip past his watchful eye. However, if you ever find that your boyfriend seems to be spying on you, a little investigation may reveal that he has more of an interest in what you’re doing than anyone else. He might even take notes or snap pictures with his phone! While most people would consider such behavior creepy, it could actually be a sign that he’s head over heels in love with you. You just have to pay attention to see how and when he shows his affection—and whether or not it is reciprocated.

He will stand up for you in public

The Scorpio man is a determined, goal-oriented individual who will stop at nothing to reach his goal. Due to their immense amounts of willpower and dedication, Scorpios are often successful at whatever they set their mind on—which is why it’s sometimes difficult for people around them to understand what their goals are when it comes down to matters of love. 

He'll give you his undivided attention.

Scorpios aren't easily distracted, so if your partner gives you his undivided attention, even if it's over a quick cup of coffee and it seems like there are a million other things on his mind, he might be completely into you. Scorpios have an intuition that keeps them attuned to their surroundings and aware of their relationship with you—so if your guy isn't preoccupied with something else when you're together, chances are he loves your company.

He talks to you with a deep, sensual voice.

Sincerely talking with a deep, sensual voice (but also very gentle) is a characteristic of every single Scorpio male. It’s as if they're trying to seduce you even when you talk about ordinary things, like how your day was or which movie you saw. And it works. Even girls who don't believe in astrology are deeply impressed by these deep voices! 

He starts remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates.

Scorpio males are generally very good at remembering dates because they like knowing and controlling everything. But when a Scorpio male is falling for someone, he may begin to notice other people’s birthdays and important events and make a point of finding out about them. He wants everyone else around him to be happy, so if he knows you’re celebrating your birthday on such-and-such date, he’ll remember it and surprise you with a gift or friendly gesture.

He will be jealous of other men around you.

If a Scorpio man ever flirts with another woman, it doesn’t mean that he is looking for an affair. Scorpios are known for their extreme jealousy, and any attention from someone of your gender will make him feel insecure about his relationship with you. This doesn’t mean you should get jealous or paranoid every time a man flirts with you, but there is a big difference between innocent flirting and hard-hitting advances.

He shows off his recklessness.

A Scorpio man will act a little reckless when he’s truly in love. He might take risks that are out of character for him or take on projects that seem impossible. His friends and family might even accuse him of being too impulsive, but it’s a risk worth taking if it means having your Scorpio’s heart. Learn how to deal with a Scorpio man’s passionate nature. What makes them so irresistible? It’s their intense personality! Although they have many admirable qualities, there are some things you should know about them before you get involved. 

He makes the first move in reaching out to you.

Scorpio men are ambitious, tenacious, and determined; but when it comes to matters of emotion, they’re also often very private. So if a Scorpio man initiates contact with you, or tells you he loves you (as difficult as that may be for him), chances are good that there’s some truth behind it.

Does he talk about his feelings for the future?

Scorpio men don’t usually talk about their feelings, but when they do, it’s safe to say there’s a future. He may even blurt out I love you! every now and then, though these aren’t romantic or have anything to do with a date night. Instead, hear these words as a statement of promise—he loves his life with you and has no intention of leaving anytime soon.

Is he showing off for you?

It’s very common for Scorpios to bring their work home with them, and it doesn’t help that they often work long hours. If you ever see him working late at night or on weekends, chances are high that his Scorpio nature is asserting itself. Additionally, if your guy seems increasingly interested in impressing you or just showing off what he can do (especially when there are other people around), it might be a sign of his real feelings.

Is he charming?

Scorpios have a magnetic and mysterious personality. The best way to tell if a Scorpio is interested is by observing how charming they are. If you find yourself at ease around him and laughing, it’s most likely that your Scorpio crush has an interest in you. If not, try spending more time with him; however don’t overdo it as there may be other reasons for his behavior, like social anxiety or awkwardness.

A Scorpio man will show his love by being into your hobbies and interests.

Scorpio will often support your passions and hobbies, even if they aren’t his own. This is his way of showing that you mean a lot to him and he wants you to be happy. But there are a few other things you can look for that will help you determine how Scorpio feels about you beyond just how much time he spends with you. If these are also happening (and they most likely will) it means that Scorpio is definitely crushing on you!

He prefers one-on-one rendezvous

If your guy has been spending less time with you but suddenly seems like he can’t get enough of you, it could be because his attention is focused elsewhere. Scorpios hate drama and wouldn’t want others to find out they were falling for someone before they were ready. Keep an eye on his need for more privacy if you want to detect true interest.

If ignored, he would be dejected but won’t express it

While a Scorpio male would never admit it openly, if you ignore him and stay indifferent for a long time, his passion for you will definitely turn into dejection. He’ll rather spend time away from you than express his feelings or come up with excuses for being busy. Give him all your attention. Let him know that you always want to be around. If not in words, at least by your actions... like showing interest in what is happening around him.

The great thing about the Scorpio man is that he isn't afraid of commitment in any aspect of his life. He loves deeply and suffers too. As a friend, you will know a Scorpio man will always be there for you. The downside, however, is that if he's not in love with you, he isn't going to let you know. If a Scorpio man is interested in you as more than a friend, he's going to let you know non verbally. Secrets of The Scorpion will help unlock the mystery of the stinger and how to handle him at different stages of the relationship with the secrets of the scorpio.