How to Tell if an Alpha Male Likes You: The Top 12 Signs

How does an alpha male treat his woman? What are alpha males attracted to? How can you tell if an alpha male likes you or not?
How to Tell if an Alpha Male Likes You: The Top 12 Signs

How does an alpha male treat his woman? What are alpha males attracted to? How can you tell if an alpha male likes you or not? These are the type of questions that women ask me all the time and I thought it would be best to answer them in one place, so let’s get into it!

1) He listens closely

An alpha male is a confident guy who’s comfortable in his own skin. That means he won’t waste time trying to make his date feel like she’s more important than him—he’ll make her feel special while keeping her ego in check. He listens attentively, showing how much he cares about what you have to say and responding accordingly.

2) He takes charge in conversation

An alpha male who likes you will be able to hold a conversation with you. This means he will be able to take charge of conversations by talking about topics that interest you and asking questions about your interests. He’ll also ask you to tell him more about yourself, so he can learn more about what makes you tick. If he does all these things, it’s likely that he has a crush on you!

3) He is protective

Alphas feel a deep instinctual need to protect. Don’t mistake that for overprotectiveness or controlling behavior—the intent is always caring and protective. Alphas feel a deep instinctual need to protect. Don’t mistake that for overprotectiveness or controlling behavior—the intent is always caring and protective. He has insecurities, too: Contrary to popular belief, alpha males aren’t infallible, confident superheroes. They have insecurities just like everyone else does; they just learn how to hide them better than most people do. An alpha male will be more likely than others to open up about his fears, vulnerabilities, and worries when he feels safe enough with you.

4) He challenges you

Are alpha males aggressive? Think about it. We all know how competitive alpha males can be. They want to win and get what they want, and as a result of that, they may turn into a little bit of jerk. There’s nothing wrong with their behavior; in fact, it’s good you have someone like that in your life! An alpha male will challenge you and push you out of your comfort zone, but he won’t do it maliciously or without reason. If he does something that makes you feel uncomfortable or upset, he probably didn’t mean to—he just wanted to see how far he could push himself.

5) He plays hard to get

Trying too hard is a major turn-off for alpha males. If he isn’t calling you after your first date, don’t be too disappointed—this means he likes you and will be interested in seeing you again. However, once he does call or text, it’s important not to push him away with nonchalant responses—as tempting as that may be. He can smell desperation from a mile away, and will immediately lose interest. Be aloof but warm at all times.

6) He's open about his feelings

When you’re talking with an alpha male, he’ll typically be open about how he feels. He doesn’t feel guilty for expressing his true thoughts and feelings (although it can sometimes get him into trouble). Of course, each individual is different, but one thing that all alpha males seem to have in common is a very low tolerance for BS. In other words, they call things as they see them. If something isn’t right, they say so. If someone has done something wrong, they won’t hesitate to let them know.

7) He isn't afraid of commitment

An alpha male knows what he wants. He isn’t afraid of commitment. While there are many types of alpha males, one thing they all have in common is that they know what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it – including you. If you make him feel good, he’ll commit, so it’s in your best interest to try and please him by demonstrating how amazing you are.

8) His body language towards you is welcoming

Every relationship has its ups and downs, but an alpha male is committed 100 percent of the time. His body language towards you is welcoming and inviting. He will not hesitate to make himself comfortable around you even in your own home. He will sit on your couch or lie down on your bed without a second thought. If he doesn’t do that, it’s a sign that he’s still unsure about his feelings for you.

When he tells you how beautiful you are: An alpha male wants nothing more than to let his woman know how much she means to him. When he looks at her with those eyes filled with love and admiration, she knows she’s special because no one else makes him feel that way.

9) He makes physical contact with you often

A true alpha male may express his interest in you by making physical contact with you often. This is a clear sign that he likes you and wants to show others that he has chosen you as his mate. By being physically affectionate, he not only makes it clear that he’s interested in starting a relationship with you, but also draws attention from other males who have their eye on his territory.

10) He adores your company

As mentioned earlier, Alphas are competitive by nature and one of their biggest insecurities is that they won’t be able to find a good mate. Their drive and sense of power gives them high confidence levels, but they lack in terms of social skills and strong relationships with other people. So when they find someone that can challenge them intellectually, make them laugh, but who also respects and understands their value—they will do everything possible to impress you. 

11) An alpha male will take the risk of rejection and failure to make sure the woman they like knows they like her. No matter what happens in the end.

Alpha males are in constant pursuit of challenges and opportunities. They want their lives to be adventurous, with a lot of variety and changes. If something is not interesting or challenging enough for them, they move on and look for something more stimulating. That includes relationships! If your life is too boring, or you fail to provide a challenge, they may leave you just as quickly as they entered your life.. Alpha males like women who aren’t afraid of making their own decisions.

12) He always pushes you to be the best version of yourself.

He always pushes you to be your best self, but never in a way that’s harmful or damaging. He wants you to be happy and successful, whether it’s as a mom, a writer, or even as a student. After all, he loves what makes you who you are. He appreciates women with big goals and ambitions. He likes a woman who knows what she wants out of life and isn’t afraid to go after it. This is because he sees ambition as sexy—he finds nothing more attractive than someone with drive and determination.

How does an alpha male express love?

Because of their rugged, aggressive appearance, it’s natural for many women to assume that alpha males are not affectionate or romantic. In reality, alpha males have a lot of love to give—they just express their affection differently than most people. Although they don’t always say I love you with words, there are other ways you can tell if he likes you. Pay attention to his actions and how he treats you in public and private. If you see any of these signs, chances are good that your man is in love with you!

Are alpha males faithful?

For women, alpha males are perceived as being exciting, romantic, and fun. In other words, these men fulfill some of their partner’s deepest emotional needs. But do alpha males make good husbands? That really depends on how much you can handle. They aren’t perfect by any means, but they have a lot of great qualities that will keep your relationship alive and well for years to come. 

What type of wife does an alpha male need?

An alpha male needs a strong wife. An alpha male needs a self-sufficient wife who has her own life and interests, but is also prepared to be by his side through thick and thin. An alpha male is competitive, so he will want his partner to be just as competitive. An alpha male wants someone who challenges him intellectually—someone with whom he can have stimulating conversations. A lot of women think that being submissive is what attracts an alpha male; in fact, it’s quite the opposite. Alpha males are attracted to independent women—women they can respect and admire.

Are alpha males possessive?

Alpha males aren’t aggressive or controlling, but they will be possessive. They want to know their woman is being taken care of and that she isn’t acting out in a way that could cause her problems. If you can manage your own life while still making time for him, he’ll think you are perfect for him. Are alpha males calm?: Alpha males have very high self-esteem and confidence. This means they don’t let things bother them or shake them up much. They know who they are and what makes them happy, so when something doesn’t go their way, it doesn’t affect them as much as it would other people.

Do alpha men love?

While there is no doubt that alpha males are often a bit of a handful, they do have a softer side, when it comes to dating. In fact, according to research, they can be incredibly loyal and loving partners—if you know how to tell if an alpha male likes you.  

How does alpha male treat his woman?

Much like a lion guarding his pride, alpha males love fiercely. It’s not that they don’t have insecurities—they do. In fact, a major insecurity is wondering whether or not you love them as much as they love you. So what makes an alpha male fall in love? Surprisingly, one of the top things is just feeling protected. If he feels safe with you and your relationship, he will likely fall for you. If he doesn’t feel safe with you, it might be hard for him to open up and trust you enough to let himself fall in love.

How to deal with an alpha male?

An alpha male can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you handle him. Learn how to deal with him and what type of woman is most likely to attract his attention. It will also give you insight into your relationship with him as well as yourself. In fact, knowing how he thinks about women may help you better understand your own strengths and weaknesses. 

Are psychopaths alpha males?: Some psychologists think that psychopaths are really just low-functioning alphas—men who have learned how to mimic normal human behavior but lack any empathy for others. Are alpha males attracted to alpha females?: Both men and women often say they want someone similar to them when it comes to personality traits like a sense of humor, risk-taking tendencies, and even competitiveness.

What type of woman is an alpha male attracted to?

There are many misconceptions about alpha males. One of these misconceptions is that an alpha male needs a certain type of woman to domesticate him. This couldn’t be further from reality, however, because what actually attracts men isn’t based on outward appearances but instead more on personality traits. Does He Like Me?: So how does one tell if a guy likes you? If he seems to want to spend time with you, look at your body and talk to you, chances are good he’s interested in getting closer. 

In short, an alpha male is the natural leader of the pack. They are naturally dominant and successful at attracting any woman they desire. They have a large presence in any room and often dominate conversations. Naturally charismatic and charming, they are almost always in control of every situation and everyone in it. 

While you can't easily change your personality, you can give off some of the same signals and body language that they do. Because alpha males are the most sought after and the most desirable, it shouldn't come as a surprise that women are always keeping an eye out for them. So it's in your best interest to know what makes them tick so you can lure one in and catch him.